6 Tutoriales interesantes de 3DS Max

Captura de pantalla 2011-12-28 a la(s) 11.02.08

Crear un florero y un macetero con 3DS Max

Creating a basic shape of stand leg with spline Spline is a drawing method that enables you to draw basic lines or shapes in the same way that you would use the Pen Tool in Adobe Photoshop or Fireworks. We are going to start off by creating the basic shape of the stand leg using Spline. [...]

Captura de pantalla 2011-12-28 a la(s) 11.44.08

Tutorial de Auto key, AKA: Easy animation en 3DS Max

Create a “Sphere” and place it near the edge of the plane you created. (You can create a sphere though “Create>Standard Primitive>Sphere“.) Red Outline: Sphere/What you click on to make the sphere It is now time to start the animation part. I started off by rotating my viewport using the Rotate Arc button . When you are ready [...]

Captura de pantalla 2011-12-28 a la(s) 11.36.50

Crear el logo de Windows en 3DS Max

1 – Start by creating an arc. ( Create > Shapes > Arc ) You will have to drag the object and then pull it with the mouse upwards to make it curve a little bit only. Check the image below to get a better idea. 2 – Duplicate the arc by first selecting it, [...]

Captura de pantalla 2011-12-28 a la(s) 11.31.41

Colisionar objetos usando Reactor en 3DS Max

The Initial Scene – Starting Off You should see the following scene upon opening the file provided, here are images from all the different viewports in case you wanted to create the scene yourself instead of using our files. If you do so, remember to animate the hit box using Auto Key to move towards [...]

Captura de pantalla 2011-12-28 a la(s) 11.24.08

Usar Iluminación Global con VRay GI

Assigning V-Ray As The Max renderer Engine Start 3DS Max and assign V-Ray as the renderer engine. To do this access the Render Scene window by hitting F10, scroll down to the Assign Renderer rollout and expand it by clicking once on it, then click on the ”…” button next to the Production field and select V-Ray from the list. Creating and Setting Up the Lights [...]


Perfect UVs by Pelt Mapping in 3ds Max

UVs are the key to taking full advantage of 3D software. In fact, you can’t do much without a good UV set. Many Important functions such as Displacement concept and Texturing are directly depended on an object’s UVW mapping. So I’ve decided to show you how to create qualified UVs inside 3ds Max.The UVW Unwrap [...]

6 Tutoriales interesantes de 3DS Max 6 Tutoriales interesantes de 3DS Max Reviewed by Unknown on 11:45 Rating: 5

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